So Internet connection stuff should be of the nearly most recent softwareversion possible, Think about the log4j vulnerability earlier this year. Maybe you faced, that there are some nice guys out there who tries to come into your network to take some money. So uppon our security policy I cannot any longer activate the Archicad License because of these old components and the blocking policy of our Proxy. What drives me crazy is that the components for Internet Access used by Archicad are of more than 2 yrs old softwareversions (here 87.x.x.x for Archicad 26!). Chrome releases new Browser Patches nearly every week for security reasons, these are the x.x.x behind the major Version. So in our case the Version of Chrome Browser to be blocked is currently 90.x.x.x (actual Version of Chrome is 105.x.x.x). In our global company the Proxy blocks the use of older components from the Browser Chrome that are used as embedded framework in Archicad 26 (its called CEF, Chrome Embedded Framework). Just got that thread from a Support call with Graphisoft where we are in a discussion that due to security reasons some Proxies will also block Internet connection based on calling Software components (e.g.